Ramadan Lecture: Things Which Do Not Break The Fast During This Holy Month

Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic calendar when almost every Muslim observe a fast, which is in a way showing of gratitude towards Allah and thanking him for whatever He has blessed you with.

Go through to find out what are the things that need to be avoided so that the fast do not break. So be extra careful and try refraining yourself from performing the mentioned activities so that the holy month of Ramadan remain truly Holy and aesthetic for you.

THINGS WHICH DO NOT BREAK THE FAST :- The things that do not really end one’s fast are as follows:

    If one forgetfully eats, drinks or indulges in sexual relations one is not considered to have ended his/her fasting for this means that at the time of committing that act one is unmindful of the fast. However, if one continues even momentarily after recalling the fast, then and there the Saum will be nullified.

    If one applies eye drop or if by any chance water enter one’s ears, one is not considered to have broken the fast.

    Vomiting can no way break one’s fast but it should not be self-induced. For if one deliberately vomits and if it is mouthful, then this will surely break the fast. However vomiting less than a mouthful will not break the fast even if it is deliberately induced.

    Smoke, if unintentionally inhaled will not break the fast.

    Applying Surmah into the eye or smelling any fragrant which do not contain any kind of vapor will not break the fast.

    If a food particle which is less than the size of a chana becomes unstuck from the teeth and if one unmindfully swallows the part, then one is not considered to have broken the fast.

    Swallowing saliva and slime cannot break the fast.

    In-taking of any kind of injections which do not reach the brain or stomach will not break the fast.

    Cleaning one’s teeth with miswak will not break the fast even if the miswak is fresh and has a taste.

    Blood in the saliva will not break the fast if the blood is less than the saliva. This fact will be recognized if the taste of the blood is not detected.

    Breast-feeding a baby will not break the fast.

    If during wudhu water mistakenly slips down the throat while one forgets about the saum, the fast will not break.

    Ejaculation of semen during sleep or caused by imagination will not break the fast.

    Janabat or the state of Hadath-e-Akbar which is purified by ghusl. If one has not taken ghusl and Sahri time ends, the fast is valid.

Have a blessed Ramadan!
